
It's all true

I'm a genius and a half. I thought I'd let you know. I rarely claim to have an astonishingly superior intellect - after all, my summa cum laudeness is implied. Or perhaps your intellect is so massively inferior. Who knows and does it really matter? This is about me and my impending greatness.

I was always quite taken with the idea of my intrinsic magnificence waiting to happen, and with every passing day it becomes clear to me - I have to outwardly acknowledge my shining brilliance in an attempt to subdue this commanding virtuosity. This has nothing to do with vanity or narcissism, and it may sound irrelevant to you - likely my grandness is beyond your comprehension. But it is patently obvious to me that I have to, from time to time, release some of the tension incited by my sensational mind. This is not a case of the misplaced arrogance syndrome either. I can assure you I am not haughty; my estimation of self worth is accurate and does not exceed my actual abilities.

In a way I envy you, for I'm not able to devour my genius like you can. Because you see, being a genius and experiencing the fruit of its labor are two completely different activities - and I can merely see my brilliance in the amazement and awe everyone holds me in. But never will I be able to see the beauty of my prodigious talent the way others can, the way it's supposed to be relished. Never. This shall always be the great tragedy of my life.
